
Brake pads - set of 2 (MZ - ETZ) AD

Brake pads - set of 2 (MZ - ETZ) AD

Brake pads - set of 2 (MZ - ETZ) AD

Your price
Price: 17,15 €  VAT incl.
Availability: skladem
Item code: 5610577


Brake pads - set of 2 (MZ - ETZ) AD
Product:   Brake pads - set of 2 (MZ - ETZ) AD
Made in:   CR Cs
Material:   Ceramic carbon

For Motorbike Models:

MZ        MZ 125,150 ETZ MZ 125 ETZ
MZ MZ 125,150 ETZ MZ 150 ETZ
MZ MZ 250,251,301 ETZ        MZ 250 ETZ ( standard,luxus )
MZ MZ 250,251,301 ETZ MZ 251 ETZ
MZ MZ 250,251,301 ETZ MZ 301 ETZ ( 1991 )


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